Saturday, November 30, 2013


What is your favorite band/musical artist? Why?
This Essay must be no shorter than 5 pages long.
Quadruple Spaced, largest font size and "comic" font.
Please include quotations and page numbers.

Wouldn't that be the most awesome essay assignment!?!?!
But seriously. What is your favorite band/musical artist? Why?

Friday, November 22, 2013

So guys

So Guys
The XboxOne and Playstation4 are out now! which one do you think is the coolest? In my personal opinion I would have to say that I don't want to have pick, I think both look like they are going to provide awesomeness and fun memories. I personally have a lot of memories from the Xbox360 and the PS3 so lets hope that we will have many new memories with our beloved new consoles that I probably wont have the money to buy for another year....


Thursday, November 14, 2013


Question!! "If you were on a desert island and could only have one drink what would it be?"

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Team Spirit award!

I know this is late. (like every thing else on this blog :P ) but here is a pic of the team spirit award we won at YCC!

Friday, July 5, 2013

The Tryouts....pre game

I've been waiting for this day! is the day I'm trying out for the national team for ultimate! (ultimate frisbee for those of you who call it that...which is almost everyone) Wish me luck and lets see what happens! :)      (and Bro 1 is also trying out, wish him luck too!)

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July

Time to celebrate one of my favorite days! how? by blowing stuff up of course! ~sniff~ such a beautiful idea!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Bro 3 and The Season UPDATE

Ok i dont know how many of you know, but i play drums! ive been drumming for about 2 and a half months now and I LOVE IT! anyway i will be filming a The Season where i'll be doing my best drum beat!........Or i'll do something like........idk.........a lego video! you choose! which one should i do?
-Luke/Bro 3

Friday, June 21, 2013

Whoa Whoa Whoa WHOA!

Slow down there bro 2! I think that bro 3 posted a couple times in May which is not a couple months ago. Besides I just have nothing to post about! I don't think most people enjoy the rambling posts I contribute. I think it's time to really start the Season up again! I haven't seen one of those videos in a long while. Maybe I should start actually posting about certain topics... nah who am I kidding I can't do that! Also I have been busy with the double tappers channel! (Not the blog though)

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

My Bros need to help me post more!!!

I know I haven't posted in months!! but its hard when your BROS haven't put anything Help JP and Luke!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Season!

Just out of curiosity do you guys want "The Season!" still?

Monday, May 27, 2013


Hey guys, what are your favorite things to do in the summer?

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


whats up?............WHATS UP!?!?!
jk i kid
i love you...

Monday, May 6, 2013

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Slaying for thought!!! Part #2

Tip #3 Get a map of the entire city so you can find the best headquarters according to where you might leave the city and how you do it! Trick #2 Throw any explosion into bigger explosions when in trouble!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Slaying for thought!!! #1

Welcome to the first part of my job is to give you ideas on how to survive the zombie Apocalypse (ya never know!) anyways, some of these you may think WELL DUH!!!! but I just want to make sure!!! so....Tip 1# If you have to survive with a group think of who are your best options to keep around and who won't stab you in the back...but if your friends don't make it by then well, your better off not to be left behind by some wierdo because you follewed him! Tip 2# Tired of your gun giving to much recoil? Does your gun keep jamming? If the gun stores are shut down....GO GUN SHOPPING!!!! find the perfect gun for you! its like shoe shopping...but better!!!!!! :D Trick 1# If you have a base and it gets invaded by zombies, keep heavy things like pianos up REALLY high so if there are zombies under your balcony or got a perfect way to save ammo and destroy your undead enemies!!! hahahaahha!!!! I don't have tip #2 yet but I hope you keep this slaying for thought!!! ;)

Hola mis amigos!

Yes, it's true that I have been mysteriously absent from my duties of blog writing. No I haven't died or lost my fingers! It is a complication of a couple of things. School foremost on the list but close behind is the gaming channel! For those of you who haven't checked it out yet, the link is up by the title. That little project has been consuming most of my time. Anywho hopefully I can get back in the swing of writing once a week or more! If there is anything you want me to write about in particular leave a comment otherwise I'll just write whatever comes to mind. (A scary prospect) Hopefully you have also been checking out the videos bro 2 has been putting up! I haven't but thats just because you can't watch your own videos. Right? There has to be some kind of law that says you can't watch videos you made. It's just sad. Speaking of those videos, what about some challenges? I know there have been some suggestions but they don't have to be traditional challenges. Come up with something new. Maybe I could try a coffee fast.... Actually, lets not do that! I might just turn into a zombie and start the zombie apocalypse. That might be fun for some of you, but I DON'T WANT TO BE A ZOMBIE! Now I want coffee......

First things first!

Because it will take awhile for me to finish my zombie book I have decided to first make a guide...where I will post some of it every day or week! I am not sure yet!! keep in touch and you will be hearing from ME soon!!!!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Who is ready for summer???

I am proud to announce I will be making lots of videos in the summer with my bros...why? Because its so much more easy to do it the summer, plus we can go outside and make videos of us doing things like frisbee!!!!!!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

News Flash

By Fall/Winter 2013 I will be done with my zombie book.....I don't have any good titles so if you could think of one post a comment, but as far as right now its called "How to kill a zombie"

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The season!

HEY Girls and guys!!! I know its been awhile since the last episode of The season!! but I have a special assignment for my other Bros!

So here it goes! Bro 1 and 3 both of you need to make your own challenge for The Season! by this week if you can't let me know but get at it!!!!!!

Thursday, March 21, 2013



Thursday, March 14, 2013

Summer Vacation!

Hi guys, gals, and people of the internet! Summer vacation is only about 9 weeks away! Who is ready for it? ........ Anyone? Wait..... so you are telling me that you have no ideas of what to do?! You just want to sit around and read/watch Tv? No! Summer needs to be more than that! I have a challenge! Make a list of stuff you want to do this summer now and post it in the comments below to give other people ideas of what to do! Then when summer comes around try to do it all! Make a summer bucket list!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

I just don't kno! (yep I spelled know like kno!)

The question no human has ever figured out..."What came first the chicken or the egg....or BOTH?????

Friday, March 1, 2013

Now stop................

Its posting time! What is up people of the internet? Its me bro 1/Dtap 1/2 (I can't remember which one I am)! Anywho I know bro 2 has been posting everything lately and I also know that bro 3 just posted something...... but I have not posted anything! :(  Well no longer! I am posting something! I am not dead/ sick/ busy right now so I am posting THIS! You know google is making glasses with a little screen in the corner and you can take pictures with this, shoot videos, dictate messages, video chat, google something, translate something, and more! Its pretty awesome! Ill put a link in the bottom of this post to the website! If you want one all you have to do it tweet #ifihadglass and say what you would do and then pay 1500$ and go to a pickup in New york or somewhere else and be 18 or older! I guess I'll have to wait till google glass comes out..... darn....... anyway I just thought that was cool! Oh! And the Ps4 is coming out this christmas! Its going to be pretty much the same thing as the Ps3 except the controller has a touchscreen middle and it is also more motion sensitive so no more rage throwing of the controller! But really it looks awesome and the processing power is quite impressive! Hopefully its not a flop! Well...... I'll post more later! Wow looking back I use WAY too many ! marks...... Next post I wont use any at all. Well maybe just one. Here is the link to google glass!

Monday, February 25, 2013

slender man!!!

This who I'm supposed to look like!

Episode 2 of "The Season" :D

I was not able to get the vid on the blog but i do have the video!!n


The Bro chronicles has reached 5,000 views :D .......only 995,000 more to go!! :P

Sunday, February 24, 2013

We need you guys!

Hey! least those of you still checking in! I miss the comments! So please if you saw something and wanted to see more of it...let us kno!!!! :)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

A great moment in time!!!

~sigh....those great times where you search places on google earth just because its fun! :)

Monday, February 18, 2013

Episode 1 of..."The season"...Salt and ice!!!

The season!

I am proud to has no name yet soo until there is it will be called "The Season!' soo be prepared for the WORLD PREMIERE of "The season" this week!

Thursday, February 14, 2013


VALENTINES DAY! Love all our readers! May you eat many chocolates!

Friday, February 8, 2013

....Did someone say zombie novel???!!!!!

Well...the zombie novel has been started at one of the Bro headquarters and is in the making!!!

Friday, February 1, 2013


Got back a few days ago from Pierre to go to the "capital building" with my friends and it was AWESOME!!!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


as you may know I am a huge frisbee player!!!! is some footage of a hat tournament I played in last week!

Monday, January 28, 2013


episode 3 is out!!!!!!!! you should check it out.....right now!!!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

They are doing great!!

Dtap gaming episode 2 "double ac-130" is out and ready for watchers to enjoy!! keep up the good work bros!!!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

DTAP gaming

Hey everybody...Bro 1 put up DTAP gaming with "the guy who helps sometimes" and now we got a spot on our blog for that....they will bring you great game commentaries to look out for!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Read this now!

no read it, hehe it will bring you great fortune! muahaha!
no! dont listen to it! i am bringing goodness to everyone.....muehehe >:)
they will what? get strange vowel movements and vomit fecal matter? hehe ya right!
NO! ITS TRUE!.....please.........just stop!
HAHA! its too late for them now >:)
actually they can just stop reading it....... >:(

and thats the story of the floodleydoop
- Bro 3 AKA the groovy one ;D


Ok, just because I am hungry I made this!!! have you ever seen "Food Network???" If you have you might have heard of "Cupcake Wars" If you have...the cupcakes look AMAZING....anyways, well one day my Uncle came from Omaha (who now lives in SD) he broght some cupcakes for us from a place that was from that show and brought.......lets just say chocolate truffle cupcakes from that place are the best cupcakes I have ever tasted!!! -Broticus!! 2


Alrighty, so, maybe you already know about python. Do you? I didn't think so! Should I tell you about it? Nah I think you guys should go look it up! And if you do, comment or shoot me an email with a tidbit of info about it! The person with the best tidbit will get to make a post for the blog!.................. No we are not running out of ideas! How dare you insinuate that! Well fine if you feel so strongly about that then I guess we just wont post! THE BROS ARE GOING ON STRIKE! (in other words we are going an vacation...... Be back soon!)

Sunday, January 13, 2013


Ok so I have a confession to make....... I like to watch HGTV at night. It's part of the reason that I haven't been posting all that much. Sorry about that! Oh well I doubt anyone is still reading our blog anyway......... If you read this you should leave a comment........... or not. But I promise that we will start posting videos pretty soon! (We've had some tech problems)

Monday, January 7, 2013


Well have ever wondered where your tax money goes??? Turns out $325,000 worth has gone to this little guy...his name is "robosquirrel".......He was used to see if wagging his tail scared off a rattlesnake....WOW!!!!!! (sarcastic wow)


Sorry about not posting in a long time! We've had just an awesome Christmas break and we hope you did to!!